It is natural to make the incorrect assumption that the names of countries, being proper nouns, are the same in every language. However, that is not the case. While there is some overlap, most languages have their own words for each individual country. If you think about it a little more, that makes sense. In English, we call it “Germany”, but the Germans themselves refer to their own country as Deutschland (and the Spanish word for Germany is “Alemania”). Additionally, since Spanish words essentially never start with a hard “Sp” sound, it is logical that Spain should be “España” in Spanish. Moreover, countries that are made up of actual words, such as the United States, should surely have a literal translation for each sub-component (“Estados Unidos”). Here is a list of all of the countries in Spanish.
Spanish names for all countries
Country name in English | Country name in Spanish |
China | China |
India | India |
United States | Estados Unidos |
Indonesia | Indonesia |
Pakistan | Pakistán |
Brazil | Brasil |
Nigeria | Nigeria |
Bangladesh | Bangladesh |
Russia | Rusia |
Mexico | México |
Japan | Japón |
Ethiopia | Etiopía |
Philippines | Filipinas |
Egypt | Egipto |
Vietnam | Vietnam |
DR Congo | República Democrática del Congo |
Turkey | Turquía |
Iran | Irán |
Germany | Alemania |
Thailand | Tailandia |
United Kingdom | Reino Unido |
France | Francia |
Italy | Italia |
Tanzania | Tanzania |
South Africa | Sudáfrica |
Myanmar | Myanmar |
Kenya | Kenia |
South Korea | Corea del Sur |
Colombia | Colombia |
Spain | España |
Uganda | Uganda |
Argentina | Argentina |
Algeria | Argelia |
Sudan | Sudán |
Ukraine | Ucrania |
Iraq | Irak |
Afghanistan | Afganistán |
Poland | Polonia |
Canada | Canadá |
Morocco | Marruecos |
Saudi Arabia | Arabia Saudita |
Uzbekistan | Uzbekistán |
Peru | Perú |
Angola | Angola |
Malaysia | Malasia |
Mozambique | Mozambique |
Ghana | Ghana |
Yemen | Yemen |
Nepal | Nepal |
Venezuela | Venezuela |
Madagascar | Madagascar |
Cameroon | Camerún |
Côte d'Ivoire | Costa de Marfil |
North Korea | Corea del Norte |
Australia | Australia |
Niger | Níger |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso |
Mali | mali |
Romania | Rumania |
Malawi | Malawi |
Chile | Chile |
Kazakhstan | Kazajstán |
Zambia | Zambia |
Guatemala | Guatemala |
Ecuador | Ecuador |
Syria | Siria |
Netherlands | Países Bajos |
Senegal | Senegal |
Cambodia | Camboya |
Chad | Chad |
Somalia | Somalia |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabue |
Guinea | Guinea |
Rwanda | Ruanda |
Benin | Benin |
Burundi | Burundi |
Tunisia | Túnez |
Bolivia | Bolivia |
Belgium | Bélgica |
Haiti | Haití |
Cuba | Cuba |
South Sudan | Sudán del Sur |
Dominican Republic | República Dominicana |
Czech Republic (Czechia) | República Checa (Chequia) |
Greece | Grecia |
Jordan | Jordán |
Portugal | Portugal |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaiyán |
Sweden | Suecia |
Honduras | Honduras |
United Arab Emirates | Emiratos Árabes Unidos |
Hungary | Hungría |
Tajikistan | Tayikistán |
Belarus | Bielorrusia |
Austria | Austria |
Papua New Guinea | Papúa Nueva Guinea |
Serbia | Serbia |
Israel | Israel |
Switzerland | Suiza |
Togo | Ir |
Sierra Leone | Sierra Leona |
Laos | Laos |
Paraguay | Paraguay |
Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
Libya | Libia |
Lebanon | Líbano |
Nicaragua | Nicaragua |
Kyrgyzstan | Kirguizistán |
El Salvador | El Salvador |
Turkmenistan | Turkmenistán |
Singapore | Singapur |
Denmark | Dinamarca |
Finland | Finlandia |
Congo | Congo |
Slovakia | Eslovaquia |
Norway | Noruega |
Oman | Omán |
State of Palestine | Estado de Palestina |
Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
Liberia | Liberia |
Ireland | Irlanda |
Central African Republic | República Centroafricana |
New Zealand | Nueva Zelanda |
Mauritania | Mauritania |
Panama | Panamá |
Kuwait | Kuwait |
Croatia | Croacia |
Moldova | Moldavia |
Georgia | Georgia |
Eritrea | Eritrea |
Uruguay | Uruguay |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia y Herzegovina |
Mongolia | Mongolia |
Armenia | Armenia |
Jamaica | Jamaica |
Qatar | Katar |
Albania | Albania |
Lithuania | Lituania |
Namibia | Namibia |
Gambia | Gambia |
Botswana | Botswana |
Gabon | Gabón |
Lesotho | Lesoto |
North Macedonia | Norte Macedonia |
Slovenia | Eslovenia |
Guinea-Bissau | Guinea-Bissau |
Latvia | Letonia |
Bahrain | Bahrein |
Equatorial Guinea | Guinea Ecuatorial |
Trinidad and Tobago | Trinidad y Tobago |
Estonia | Estonia |
Timor-Leste | Timor Oriental |
Mauritius | Isla mauricio |
Cyprus | Chipre |
Eswatini | Eswatini |
Djibouti | Djibouti |
Fiji | Fiji |
Comoros | Comoras |
Guyana | Guayana |
Bhutan | Bután |
Solomon Islands | Islas Salomón |
Montenegro | Montenegro |
Luxembourg | Luxemburgo |
Suriname | Surinam |
Cabo Verde | Cabo Verde |
Maldives | Maldivas |
Malta | Malta |
Brunei | Brunei |
Belize | Belice |
Bahamas | Bahamas |
Iceland | Islandia |
Vanuatu | Vanuatu |
Barbados | Barbados |
Sao Tome & Principe | Santo Tomé y Príncipe |
Samoa | Samoa |
Saint Lucia | Santa Lucía |
Kiribati | Kiribati |
Micronesia | micronesia |
Grenada | Granada |
St. Vincent & Grenadines | San Vicente y las Granadinas |
Tonga | Tonga |
Seychelles | Seychelles |
Antigua and Barbuda | Antigua y Barbuda |
Andorra | Andorra |
Dominica | dominica |
Marshall Islands | Islas Marshall |
Saint Kitts & Nevis | San Cristóbal y Nieves |
Monaco | Mónaco |
Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein |
San Marino | San Marino |
Palau | Palau |
Tuvalu | Tuvalu |
Nauru | Nauru |
Holy See | Santa Sede |
If you want to know how to say you are from a certain country, such as “I am American”, check out how to say your nationality in Spanish. You may also be interested in this list of languages in Spanish.
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Goodnight in Spanish
Ahora in Spanish
Necesito in Spanish
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