Spanish month abbreviations

How do you abbreviate the months in Spanish?

A lot of people who learn Spanish names for months in school realize later on that they have no idea how to abbreviate them! Think about it, how often are you writing out the full names of the month in your daily life? Any time I fill out a form or do any informal writing, I am much more likely to say “Jan 15th” – and everyone is going to know what I’m talking about. Heck, I even abbreviate June 15th to “Jun 15th”, and that’s only saving one letter! So now that we know the names of all of the months in Spanish, how do we abbreviate them?

Month #EnglishEnglish abbreviationSpanishSpanish abbreviation# of days
1JanuaryJan.eneroenero.31 days
2FebruaryFeb.febrerofeb.28 days (29 days in leap years)
3MarchMar.marzomar.31 days
4AprilApr.abrilabr.30 days
5MayMaymayomayo.31 days
6JuneJunejuniojun.30 days
7JulyJulyjuliojul.31 days
8AugustAug.agostoagosto.31 days
9SeptemberSeptseptiembresept/set.30 days
10OctoberOct.octubreoct.31 days
11NovemberNov.noviembrenov.30 days
12DecemberDec.deciembredic.31 days

Spanish month abbreviations

Save yourself some time and effort by learning these abbreviations for the Spanish months – and reinvest that time into learning more Spanish! You can start by checking out our article on the best apps for learning Spanish, or these free Spanish audiobooks.