Spanish vegetable names
Maybe you’ve just read our article on how to order food in Spanish and it’s got you wondering how to say the names of vegetables in Spanish. Here is a list of how to say the names of all of the vegetables in Spanish.
Most of these will probably be familiar to you – but some Spanish-speaking countries have some local produce that might not be so common in your home country. We highly suggest that you learn all of the Spanish names for vegetables so that you can try some new foods when you do visit!
English | Spanish |
acorn squash | calabaza de bellota |
alfalfa sprouts | brotes de alfalfa |
anise | anís |
artichoke | alcachofa |
arugula | Rúcula |
asparagus | espárragos |
banana squash | squash de banana |
basil | albahaca |
bean sprouts | brotes de soja |
beetroot | raíz de remolacha |
bell pepper | pimiento |
black beans | frijoles negros |
borlotti bean | frijol borlotti |
broad beans | habas |
broccoli | brócoli |
brussels sprouts | coles de Bruselas |
cabbage | repollo |
caraway | alcaravea |
carrot | zanahoria |
cauliflower | coliflor |
cayenne pepper | pimienta de cayena |
celeriac | apeleriaco |
celery | apio |
chamomile | manzanilla |
chard | acelga |
chickpeas | garbanzos |
chili pepper | Ají picante |
chives | cebollín |
coriander | cilantro |
cucumber | pepino |
dill | eneldo |
eggplant | berenjena |
endive | endibia |
fennel | hinojo |
garlic | ajo |
ginger | jengibre |
green beans | judías verdes |
habanero | habanero |
herbs | hierbas |
horseradish | Rábano picante |
jalapeño | jalapeño |
kale | col rizada |
kidney beans | frijoles |
kohlrabi | colinabo |
lavender | lavanda |
leek | Puerro |
lemongrass | La hierba de limón |
lentils | lentejas |
lettuce | lechuga |
lima beans | habas |
marjoram | Mejorana |
mung beans | frijol mungo |
mushrooms | champiñones |
mustard greens | Hojas de mostaza |
navy beans | frijoles blancos |
nettles | ortigas |
onion | cebolla |
oregano | orégano |
paprika | pimenton |
parsley | perejil |
parsnip | chirivía |
peanuts | miseria |
peas | guisantes |
peppers | pimientos |
pinto beans | frijoles pintos |
potato | patata |
radish | rábano |
red cabbage | repollo rojo |
rhubarb | ruibarbo |
runner beans | judías verdes |
rutabaga | nabo sueco |
Savoy cabbage | Saboya col |
scallion | cebollino |
shallot | chalote |
snap peas | guisantes |
soy beans | habas de soja |
spinach | Espinacas |
split peas | guisantes partidos |
sweet potato | batata |
sweetcorn | maíz dulce |
tabasco pepper | Tabasco |
taro | taro |
thyme | tomillo |
tomato | tomate |
tubers | tubérculos |
turnip | nabo |
water chestnut | castaña de agua |
watercress | berro |
white radish | rábano blanco |
yam | batata |
zucchini | calabacín |
*If you want to get technical, some of these are actually fruits (or fungi) – not actually vegetables. But, many of them are taxed as vegetables.
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