Spanish days
You’ll need to know your Spanish days of the week if you want to be able to keep your promises! If you study, live, or travel in a Spanish-speaking area long enough, there will come a time when you need to keep an appointment or date. (By the way, these words are the same in Spanish, “cita”, so you can have a date with your doctor or dentist). If you don’t want to show up on a wrong day, you’ll need to know the names for the days in Spanish. Here’s a handy list to keep track:
Days of the Week in Spanish
English | Spanish | Latin Origin |
Monday | lunes | Goddess of the moon (luna) |
Tuesday | martes | Mars |
Wednesday | miércoles | Mercury |
Thursday | jueves | Zeus |
Friday | viernes | Venus |
Saturday | sábado | Saturn |
Sunday | domingo | Dominicus (day of God) |
It’s critical to learn the Spanish weekdays in order to make future plans and tell stories about the past. They are arguably the 7 most important Spanish words that you can know, as they very frequently come up in natural conversation.
Spanish days of the week
Luckily, it’s easy to find ways to work practicing the Spanish days into your everyday life. You can turn your phone settings to Spanish so that every time you check the date and time, you see the day of the week in Spanish. You could also set your Google or Apple calendar to Spanish. Some nice wristwatches such as this one can also be manually toggled to Spanish. You might want to pick up an actual Spanish calendar or word a day calendar. That way you are practicing the day of the week and an additional vocabulary word every day!
If none of these are possible, at the very least you can write today’s date in Spanish every day at the top of your homework or planner page.
Always remember that (unlike in English), the Spanish days of the week are not capitalized unless they are at the beginning of a sentence. They are always masculine nouns, meaning that they would be preceded by “el”, “los”, or “algunos.”
Sample sentences using Spanish days:
When is your date with Rachel?
Cuando es tu cita con Rachel?
It is next Friday. We’re going to the movies.
Es el próximo viernes. Vamos al cine.
Is your dentist appointment on Tuesday?
Es el cita con el dentista el martes?
No, I am going on Wednesday.
No, voy el miércoles.
Read our study abroad packing list or learn more about how to count in Spanish!