Names for the fingers in Spanish

Spanish finger names

How To Say The Names of the 5 Fingers in Spanish This is a common question for beginner Spanish learners. There are a few different ways that you can say the names of all of the fingers in Spanish. Here’s a quick list for reference: How do you say fingers in Spanish It’s technically correct … Read more

15 ways to say “I’m hungry” in Spanish

How to say I'm hungry in Spanish

How to Say I’m hungry in Spanish If you’re in a Spanish speaking country, there are a few basic necessities that you must cover. Perhaps most importantly (or maybe second only to finding a bathroom), you need to know how to go about getting food. The first step is to tell someone that you are … Read more

32 ways to say “Good Luck!” in Spanish

How to say good luck in Spanish

How to say good luck in Spanish Spanish-speaking countries tend to retain a fair bit of superstition in their cultures, so it is very common to have a variety of different ways to wish someone luck. Here is a list of a few different ways to say “Good Luck!” in Spanish. The most basic expression … Read more

What does “A Huevo” mean in Spanish?

"A Huevo" Spanish meaning

“¡A huevo!” “Huevo” literally means “egg” in Spanish, but you will find that it is a word commonly used in slang terms from different regions. Most commonly, it is used to refer to a man’s testicles. In the case of “A huevo”, it is mainly used as an interjection to express your agreement with something, … Read more

50 most useful Spanish dog commands

dog commands in Spanish

How do I train my dog in Spanish? Embarking on a journey to enhance the bond between humans and their furry companions, this article unveils a guide to useful Spanish dog commands. Recognizing that effective communication is the key to a harmonious relationship with our canine friends, we delve into a curated collection of commands … Read more

125 Spanish slang words and where they’re from

List of Spanish slang words

The trickiest part about learning Spanish slang is that it is hyper-regional. Something innocuous in one dialect can mean something entirely different in another. Or it may just come across as complete gibberish. We’ve broken out this list of Spanish slang words by region, so you can sort by the geography that most interests you. … Read more

List of coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms in English in Spanish

covid symptoms spanish

COVID-19 is the disease caused by the novel coronavirus first identified in the Wuhan province of China in 2019. If you are a medical professional in 2020 in direct contact with Spanish-speaking patients, it is imperative that you have familiarity with the Spanish names for COVID symptoms. This could save a life! COVID-19 symptoms English … Read more

Names for ALL of the colors in Spanish!

Colors in Spanish and English

Full list of colors in Spanish Learning the colors in Spanish allows speakers to be more precise and descriptive with their language. This is one of the many reasons why Spanish color names are a mainstay of early Spanish curriculum. They are also extremely useful for travel or study abroad, when one may want to … Read more

How to say all of the nationalities in Spanish

nationalities in Spanish

Just like Spanish has their own words for the names of countries, there are also distinct words for nationalities based on those countries. In English, someone from Canada is “Canadian”, and someone from the USA is “American”. In Spanish, the translation would be “canadiense” and “estadounidense”, respectively. Note that the Spanish terms for nationalities are … Read more