How to speak Spanish without an American accent

speak spanish without an american accent

How do you get rid of an American accent when speaking Spanish? When you listen to children who have grown up speaking two languages, you can be astonished by how completely they can adapt to accents. One moment, they can be speaking flawless Spanish with a perfect Spanish accent, the next moment, their English sounds … Read more

How to say “see you later alligator” in Spanish

see you later alligator spanish

”Later, gator” in Spanish In English, there is a popular children’s rhyme to say goodbye to someone: See you later, alligator. In a while, crocodile! What is the equivalent of this send-off in Spanish? Literally, you could say: Hasta luego, caimán Hasta luego, cocodrilo (or “En un rato, cocodrilo.”) But, that’s not so common to … Read more

Cute Spanish nicknames for loved ones

spanish nicknames

What are some fun Spanish nicknames? Hola, amigos! ¿Cómo estás? This blog post is all about Spanish nicknames and terms of endearment. If you don’t know any Spanish nicknames yet, this article will help you with a list of some common ones to get started (and it’s not all baby,” “love,” and “sweetheart” either!) It’s … Read more

6 ways to say “have fun!” in Spanish

have fun in Spanish

Have fun in Spanish Let’s say you run into a friend on the street in Spain and they tell you that they are on their way to el cine to watch a movie. Or, they are about to go to the big concert that is coming through town. How do you end the conversation by … Read more

List of Spanish slang for weed

how do you say weed in Spanish

How do you talk about marijuana in Spanish? If you want to talk about smoking marijuana in English, you might say weed, grass, herb, ganja, mary jane… the list goes on and on. There is no shortage of slang terms for weed in Spanish, either. Maybe there is something about being high that just makes … Read more

98 ways to say “cool” in Spanish

cool in spanish

Cool in Spanish When you look at Spanish slang words for “cool” too literally, your head might hurt. When you look at the term “padrísimo”, commonly used as an interjection to mean “cool” in Mexico, it literally translates to…. Fatherly? Huh? But, when you think about the word “cool” is used in English, it doesn’t … Read more

What does “coger” REALLY mean in Spanish?

coger in spanish

Meanings of “coger” in Spanish There are some perfectly innocent-seeming words that can really land you in trouble if you use them in the wrong place. The Spanish word “coger” is one of them. In some areas, “coger” is a perfectly normal thing to say in everyday speech. You may use it to catch a … Read more

Good to see you in Spanish

good to see you in spanish

How to tell someone it was good to see them in Spanish? There are a few different ways that you can tell someone that it’s good to see them in Spanish. If you’re excited to see someone, let them know! When you are happy to run into someone, that enthusiasm spreads, and they will be … Read more

How do you pronounce the letter Z in Spanish?

how to pronounce z in spanish

How to say the Spanish Z? If you’ve ever heard someone in America say “zed”, you can tell instantly that they’re not from around here. They stick out like a sore thumb. We always advocate for trying to blend in as much as possible when you’re traveling, not only because it’s safer, but it’s going … Read more

Alphabet song in Spanish

spanish alphabet song

How do you sing the alphabet in Spanish? If you’ve ever tried to sing the ABCs in Spanish, you may have gotten tripped up when you realize partway through that Spanish has some extra letters! (ñ and rr, por ejemplo). Plus, when you factor in some of the different pronunciations of the letters, the rhyming … Read more