Spanish love quotes
If you want to learn Spanish, and are feeling romantic, here are some Spanish quotes about love for you to memorize. Why not put your newfound Spanish skills to the test?
Love is one of the most important things there is… and that is a fact, no matter what language you speak! Here is Language Pro’s list of the top 99 quotes about love (in English and Spanish)!
99 Spanish quotes about love
Spanish | English |
Agua que no has de beber, déjala correr. | If the water cannot be drunk, let it run. |
Alégrate de la vida porque ella te da la oportunidad de amar, trabajar, jugar y mirar a las estrellas. | Be grateful for life because it gives you the chance to love, work, play and look at the stars. |
Amame cuando menos lo merezca, por que sera cuando mas lo necesite. | Love me when I least deserve it, because it will be when I need it most. |
Amar a alguien para hacerlo distinto significa asesinarle. | Loving someone to try and change who they are is just like murdering them |
Amar es encontrar en la felicidad de otro la propia felicidad. | Loving is finding in someone else's happiness our own. |
Amar no es mirarse el uno al otro, es mirar juntos en la misma dirección. | Love is not looking at one another, it's looking in the same direction together |
Ámate a ti mismo primero y todo lo demás se alinea. | Love yourself before all and everything else falls into place. |
Amor con amor se paga. | Love is repaid with love. |
Amor de niño, agua en cestillo. | Young love is like water in a basket (fleeting and fickle) |
Amor loco, yo por vos y vos por otro. | Love is crazy - I love you yet, you love another. |
Amor no correspondido, tiempo perdido. | Unrequited love results in time poorly spent. |
Amor y celos, hermanos gemelos. | Love and jealousy, twin siblings. |
Cuando el amor no es locura, no es amor. | When love is not craziness, it is not really love. |
Cuando era niño soñaba con conquistar el mundo, ahora me doy cuenta que tú eres mí mundo y me has conquistado. | When I was younger I dreamed of conquering the world, now I understand that you're my world and it is I that has been conquered. |
Cuando la pobreza entra por la puerta, el amor salta por la ventana. | When poverty walks through the door, love jumps out the window. |
De ilusión también se vive. | We can live via hopes and dreams. |
Del amor al odio hay un paso. | There is only a single step (a.k.a. a "fine line" between love and hate. |
Donde hay amor, hay dolor. | Where there’s love, you will also find pain. |
Echa mano a la ligera; soltar a la ligera. | Grab hold lightly; let go lightly |
El amor entra por la cocina. | Love enters through the kitchen. (a.k.a. "The quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach." |
El amor es ciego | Love is blind. |
El amor es como la salsa mayonesa: cuando se corta, hay que tirarlo y empezar otro nuevo. | Love is like mayonnaise: when it separates, you’ve got to throw it away and start again. |
El amor es el anhelo de salir de uno mismo. | Love is the desire to get out of yourself. |
El amor es el único tesoro que no se saca con pico y pala. | Love is the only treasure that you can't find with a pick and shovel. |
El amor es intensidad y por esto es una distensión del tiempo: estira los minutos y los alarga como siglos. | Love is intensity and this is a strain of time: minutes and stretching lengthens as ever. |
El amor es invisible y entra y sale por donde quiere, sin que nadie le pida cuenta de sus hechos. | Love is invisible and comes and goes where it wants. |
El amor es una maravillosa flor, pero es necesario tener el valor de ir a buscarla al borde de un horrible precipicio. | Love is a wonderful flower, but you need to have the courage to go look at the edge of a horrible precipice. |
El amor es una pieza de teatro en la que los actos son muy cortos y los entreactos, muy largos. | Love is a play in which the acts are very short and the intermissions, very long. |
El amor impide a los amantes ver las divertidas tonterías que cometen. | Love prevents lovers from seeing the silly things that they do. |
El amor implica una peculiar e insondable combinación de comprensión y malentendido. | Love involves a peculiar unfathomable combination of understanding and misunderstanding. |
El amor nace de un flechazo | Love is born at first sight. |
El amor no respeta la ley, ni obedece a rey. | Love neither respects the law nor obeys a king. |
El amor pone su corazón libre. No temas: profundizar, Tome una respiración profunda Y alcanzar el cielo En el corazón de su amante. | Love sets your heart free. Don't be afraid: dig deep, take a deep breath and reach for the sky in your lover’s heart. |
El amor que se alimenta de regalos siempre está hambriento. | Love that feeds on gifts is always hungry for more. |
El amor se compone de una sola alma que habita en dos cuerpos. | Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. |
El amor todo lo puede. | Love will find a way. |
El mayor error del ser humano es intentar sacarse de la cabeza aquello que no sale del corazón. | Humanity’s biggest error is trying to get something to come out of the head when it won’t come out of the heart. |
El mayor obstáculo para el amor es el temor secreto de no ser dignos de ser amados. | The greatest obstacle to love is the hidden fear of not being worthy of love. |
El que no mira, no suspira. | He who does not look, does not sigh. |
El tiempo lo cura todo. | Time heals all wounds. |
El verdadero amante en toda parte ama y siempre se acuerda del amado. | The true lover loves wherever he goes and is always thinking of his lover. |
El verdadero amor no es el amor propio, es el que consigue que el amante se abra a las demás personas y a la vida; no atosiga, no aísla, no rechaza, no persigue: solamente acepta. | True love is not self-love, it is what makes the lover open to others and to life; it does not isolate, or reject, or pursue: only accepts. |
El verdadero amor no es el que perdona nuestros defectos, sino el que no los conoce. | True love is not forgiving our flaws, but not knowing them. |
En asuntos de amor, los locos son los que tienen más experiencia. De amor no preguntes nunca a los cuerdos; los cuerdos aman cuerdamente, que es como no haber amado nunca. | In matters of love, the insane are those who have more experience. Never ask the sane about love; the sane love sanely, which is like never having loved at all. |
Enamorarse es crear una religión cuyo Dios es falible. | To fall in love is to create a religion whose god is fallible. |
Entre lo que existe y lo que no existe, el espacio es el amor. | Between that which exists and that which does not, that is the space of love. |
Eres mi media naranja | You’re my half orange. (for example, my soulmate) |
Es cierto que en el mundo de los hombres nada hay necesario, excepto el amor. | It is true that in the world of men nothing is necessary, except love. |
Es tan corto el amor y es tan largo el olvido… | Love is so short and oblivion so long... |
Es tan corto el amor y tan largo el olvido. | Love is so short but it takes so long to forget. |
Esta vida es mía, pero este corazon es suyo. Esta sonrisa es mia, pero la razon eres tú. | This life is mine, but this heart is yours. This smile is mine, but the reason is you. |
Estoy desesperadamente enamorado de ti. | I’m hopelessly in love with you. |
Frente al amor y la muerte no sirve de nada ser fuerte. | Facing love or death, there is nothing to do but be strong. |
Hay amores tan bellos que justifican todas las locuras que hacen cometer. | There loves so beautiful that they justify all the craziness that they commit. |
Hay mucho más donde elegir. | There’s much more to choose from. (a.k.a. "there are plenty of fish in the sea.”) |
Hay que saber que no existe país sobre la tierra donde el amor no haya convertido a los amantes en poetas. | You should know that there is no country on earth where love has not changes lovers into poets. |
Hay quien ha venido al mundo para amar a una sola mujer y, consecuentemente, no es probable que tropiece con ella. | Some have come into the world to love one woman and, consequently, are unlikely to find her. |
He amado hasta llegar a la locura, y eso que llaman locura, para mí, es la única forma sensata de amar. | I have loved to the point of madness; that which is called madness, that which to me is the only sensible way to love. |
He experimentado de todo, y puedo asegurar que no hay nada mejor que estar en los brazos de la persona que amas. | I have experienced everything, and I can assure you that nothing beats being in the arms of the one you love. |
Hoy te quiero más que ayer, pero menos que mañana | I love you more than I did yesterday, but less than I will tomorrow. |
I adore you. | Te adoro. |
I love you with all of my heart | Te quiero con todo mi corazón. |
I’m crazy about you. | Estoy loco (loca) por ti. |
La armonía más dulce de escuchar es el sonido de la voz del ser amado. | The sweetest harmony to listen to is the sound of the voice of one you love. |
La ausencia es al amor lo que al fuego el aire: que apaga al pequeño y aviva al grande. | Absence is to love what fire is to air: it extinguishes the small and rekindles the large |
La medida del amor es amar sin medida. | The true measure of love is to love without measuring. |
La vida no es la que uno vivió, sino la que uno recuerda, y cómo la recuerda para contarla. | Life isn’t what one has lived, but what one remembers, and how one tells the story. |
Las cartas de amor se empiezan sin saber lo que se va a decir y se terminan sin saber lo que se ha dicho. | Love letters begin without knowing what is going to say and end up not knowing what was said. |
Las personas amorosas viven en un mundo amoroso. Las personas hostiles viven en un mundo hostil. El mismo mundo. | Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Yet it is the same world. |
Lo malo del amor es que muchos lo confunden con la gastritis y, cuando se han curado de la indisposición, se encuentran con que se han casado. | The bad thing about love is that many confuse it with a stomachache and, when cured of the illness, they find that they have married. |
Lo único que me duele de morir es que no sea de amor. | The only thing that hurts me about death is that it won't be from love. |
Más tira el amor que una yunta de bueyes. | Love pulls stronger than a pair of oxen. |
Más vale estar solo que mal acompañado. | Better to be alone than poorly accompanied. |
Más vale pájaro en mano que cien volando. | A bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush (in this case, literally "one hundred flying") |
Nacemos solos, vivimos solos, morimos solos. Sólo mediante el amor y la amistad podemos crear la ilusión momentánea de que no estamos solos. | We are born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through love and friendship can we create the momentary illusion that we are not alone. |
No ames lo que eres, sino lo que puedes llegar a ser. | Don’t love what you are now, but what you may become. |
No dejes camino viejo por sendero nuevo. | Don’t stray from the old road for an unknown trail. |
No hagas nada por retener a la mujer que se va ni al pájaro que vuela; deja que el destino se cumpla. | You shouldn't do a thing to stop a woman from leaving or a bird from flying; you must let fate take its course. |
No hay amor perdido entre nosotros. | There is no love lost between us |
No importa que nos separe la distancia, siempre habrá un mismo cielo que nos una. | No matter how far the distance between us, we will always be under the same sky together |
No ser amados es una simple desventura; la verdadera desgracia es no amar. | Not being loved is a simple misadventure; the true disgrace is not loving. |
Prefiero un minuto contigo a una eternidad sin ti. | I would rather have a minute with you than an eternity without you. |
Quien bien te quiere, te hará llorar. | Who truly loves you well will make you cry (tough love!) |
Quien quiere de verdad quiere en silencio, con hechos y nunca con palabras. | Those who truly love do so in silence, with their actions, never with words. |
Quita una pena otra pena, un dolor otro dolor | One sorrow wipes out another sorrow, one pain another pain |
Riñen a menudo los amantes, por el gusto de hacer las paces. | Lovers quarrel for the pleasure of making peace |
Sabes que estás enamorado cuando no quieres acostarte porque la realidad es por fin mejor que tus sueños. | You know you're in love when you do not want to sleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. |
Si amas a alguien, díselo. Muchos corazones se rompen, por palabras que no se dicen. | If you love someone, tell them, because hearts can also be broken by words left unspoken. |
Si amas lo que haces, tendrás éxito. | If you love what you are doing, you will have success. |
Si sabes por qué te enamoras, no estás enamorado. | If you know why you fall in love, you are not in love. |
Tardé una hora en conocerte y solo un día en enamorarme. Pero me llevará toda una vida lograr olvidarte. | It only took me one hour to get to know you and only a day to fall in love. But it will take me an entire lifetime to forget you. |
Te amo con todo mi corazon siempre y por siempre. | I love you with all of my heart, now and forever. |
Te amo más que nada en el mundo. | I love you more than anything in the world. |
Te quiero no solo por como eres, sino por como soy yo cuando estoy contigo. | I love you not just because of the way that you are, but because of the way that I am when we are together |
Te quiero y solamente usted. | I love you, and only you. |
Temer al amor es temer a la vida, y los que temen a la vida ya están medio muertos. | To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already half dead. |
Trata de amar al prójimo. Ya me dirás el resultado. | Try to love your neighbor. You'll tell me the result. |
Usted es la fuente de mi ser. | You are the source of my being. |
You are my everything. | Eres mi todo. |
What is the meaning of love? These Spanish quotes about love are timeless.
Spanish quotes about love
A lot of Spanish language learning experts will start their students out memorizing quotes and passages before graduating them on to creatively producing language. It may surprise you just how much your Spanish improves with just implementing some rote memorization into your practice routine.
Thinking about using these Spanish love quotes in your daily life? Some of them may be over the top, but if you’re okay with ‘cheesy’, give them a shot! Some are also a bit more … optimistic … than others. Your mileage may vary. Let us know if there are other Spanish quotes on love that you love. Furthermore, we are always looking for more suggestions to add to our list and encourage you to provide your feedback. If you want to learn more, check out How to say “I Love You” in Spanish next.
Spanish quotes for Valentine’s Day
These quotes are also great for Valentine’s Day. “El Día de San Valentín” (occasionally, “¡Día de los enamorados!”) is celebrated in Spain and many other Spanish-speaking countries, with similar customs and traditions honoring love as you may see in the rest of the world.
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