How do I train my dog in Spanish?
Embarking on a journey to enhance the bond between humans and their furry companions, this article unveils a guide to useful Spanish dog commands. Recognizing that effective communication is the key to a harmonious relationship with our canine friends, we delve into a curated collection of commands that go beyond language, tapping into the universal understanding between humans and dogs. Whether you’re a Spanish speaker looking to train your loyal companion or a dog enthusiast eager to explore the linguistic nuances of canine communication, these commands offer a bridge to a deeper connection. From basic obedience to specialized instructions, let’s explore the world of useful Spanish dog commands and discover the joy of seamless communication with our four-legged friends. ¡Vamos a explorar los comandos útiles para perros en español! (Let’s explore the useful commands for dogs in Spanish!)
While it may seem silly to talk to your new dog in Spanish, if she’s a rescue, she may have learned all of her commands in a different language. We recently heard from a dog owner who adopted a seemingly very well-behaved dog from a kennel in California. The dog was affectionate, loving, and very eager to be adopted. Once they got it home, however, they realized that it was not listening to them at all. They would ask him to sit, stay, and get down, and the dog would blatantly ignore them.
Then one day, their son was working on some Spanish vocabulary practice for homework and said “siéntate” out loud. To the family’s surprise, the dog sat right down. They did some Googling, and tried out “Ven aquí”, “Dame la pata”, and “Arriba”. It even knew to give them a lick on the hand when they said “Besame” (kiss me). The dog paid attention and complied with every one of the Spanish commands.
After doing some more research with the dog rescue facility, they learned that the previous owners of the dog had been Mexican, which explained why it had learned all of the dog commands in Spanish. The family was relieved to finally be able to get the dog to listen, and the dog even seemed happier that the new owners were now able to connect with him a little better.
How to talk to your dog in Spanish
If you have tried every command that you know in English to no avail, your dog may only know Spanish. Your pup may not be disobedient, but may simply not understand you. Remember, Spanish is actually the second most spoken language in the world, only after Chinese. Beyond this, it is not as common for dogs to be spayed or neutered in most Spanish-speaking countries as it is in the United States. So, there are dogs all over the place. A dog that you adopt may probably have had exposure to the Spanish language with a former owner.
50 Spanish dog commands
Do you want your dog to understand his or her commands in both Spanish and English? Check out this list of the most common Spanish dog commands.
Dog commands in Spanish
English | Spanish |
Come | Ven |
Come here | Ven aquí |
Come to me | ¡Ven a mi! |
Don't bark | No ladres |
Don't eat it! | ¡No comas! |
Down! | Abajo |
Drop It | Suéltalo |
Fetch | Trae |
Find | Buscá |
Get down! | Bájate |
Get out of here | Sale |
Give it to me | Dáme |
Go | Anda |
Go to Your Bed | ¡A la cucha! |
Heel | Junto |
Kiss | Besame |
Lay in your bed | Échate en tu cama |
Leave it alone | Déjalo |
Let’s go | Vamos |
Lie down | Echate |
Look at me | Mírame |
Yes | Sí |
No | No |
Puppy | Perrito |
Quiet | Silencio |
Rápido | Faster |
Ready | Listo |
Release | Ya Está |
Say "hello" | Di "hola" |
Shake hands | Dame la pata |
Sit | Siéntate |
Speak (bark) | Ladrá |
Stand | Parado |
Stay | Quieto |
Still | Estatua |
Stop! | Detente |
Take it | Tómalo |
Here | Aquí |
Up | Arriba |
Very good! | ¡Muy Bien! |
Wait | Espera |
Watch it | Mirá |
We're going outside | Salimos afuera |
Good Dog! | ¡Buen Perro! |
Bad dog | ¡Perro Malo! |
Drink your water | Bebe tu agua |
Eat your food | Come tu comida |
Back up | Retrocede |
Growl | Gruñe |
Attack | Atacá |

We are already speaking aloud to our dogs all of the time, so it’s a great opportunity to take advantage of for language practice. Even if you didn’t adopt a Spanish-speaking dog, it’s still a great way to practice your Spanish vocabulary, accent, and overall pronunciation in a no-judgment space. You can actually walk around a dog park or along a hiking trail speaking Spanish out loud, and no passerby will think you are crazy! What better way to get in some repetitions?
In particular, Spanish dog commands are a great way to practice the imperative form, which can already be challenging for beginners to learn. Once you learn a few commands, it will become much more natural.
Frequently asked questions about Spanish for dogs
Why speak to your dog in Spanish?
Some may argue that it’s also actually beneficial to teach a dog commands in a new language. Contrary to popular belief, you can teach an old dog new tricks, and it may be good for their brain. Furthermore, if you ever plan on taking your dog traveling with you to a Spanish-speaking area for vacation, a basic knowledge of Spanish dog commands may help keep him safe while abroad.
Can a dog understand Spanish?
Believe it or not, dogs are capable of learning just about any language that they are regularly exposed to. Many dogs learn multiple spoken languages as well as some form of sign language!
How many words can a dog learn?
According to Stanley Coren, PhD, of the University of British Columbia, the average dog can learn 165 words. Many dogs are capable of learning up to 250 words, though.
It’s also a unique bragging right to say that you have a polyglot dog. You may enjoy showing off to others at the dog park when you can tell your dog to sit or stay in Spanish, and he listens. You may even impress another cute dog owner into a conversation. All the better if they (and their dog) speak Spanish, too!
In conclusion, our exploration of useful Spanish dog commands has been a journey into the realm of effective communication between humans and their loyal canine companions. These commands not only serve as practical tools for training but also deepen the connection and understanding shared between dogs and their owners. Whether guiding them through basic obedience or more specialized tasks, the language of commands transcends words, tapping into the universal language of companionship and trust. As we conclude this guide, may the shared moments of training and bonding become a testament to the enriching experience of navigating the world alongside our furry friends, where language becomes a bridge to a harmonious and joy-filled partnership. ¡Que la aventura con tu amigo peludo esté llena de alegría y comprensión! (May the adventure with your furry friend be filled with joy and understanding!)
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