How to say good luck in Spanish
Spanish-speaking countries tend to retain a fair bit of superstition in their cultures, so it is very common to have a variety of different ways to wish someone luck. Here is a list of a few different ways to say “Good Luck!” in Spanish.
The most basic expression for wishing somebody “good luck!” in Spanish is simply “buena suerte”. That said, there are tons of different ways that you can express your well wishes. Here we have compiled some of the most common ways to wish good fortune on someone in Spanish.
32 ways to say "Good Luck!" in Spanish
English | Spanish |
Good luck! | ¡Buena suerte! |
Good luck! | ¡Mucha suerte |
Good luck with it all | Suerte con todo |
My very best wishes. | ¡Mis mejores deseos! |
I wish you good luck | Le deseo buena suerte. |
I wish you the best of luck. | Le deseo muchísima suerte |
I wish you success | ¡Éxito! |
Safe travels | ¡Que te vaya bien! |
Best wishes | Saludo de felicitación |
Best wishes | Enhorabuena |
Best wishes | Bendiciones |
You can do it! | ¡Tú puedes! |
You can do it! (Puerto Rico) | ¡Dale duro! |
I hope it turns out good | Espero que todo salga bien |
I hope you have luck | Que tenga suerte |
May you have a lot of luck | Que tengas mucha suerta |
It's a good luck sign | Es una buena señal suerte |
I hope the stars align | ¡Que los astros se alineen! |
I hope the stars are kind to you | ¡Que los astros te sean propicios! |
Break a leg! | ¡Rómpete una pierna! (rarely used) |
Break a leg! | ¡Mucha mierda! |
What good luck! | Que suertudo! |
Good luck! | Buena fortuna |
Good luck! | Buena racha |
Good luck! | buenaventura |
May you have a lot of luck | Ten buena suerte |
May fortune smile upon you | ¡Que te sonría la Diosa Fortuna! |
I wish you success | Te deseo éxito |
Third time's the charm | ¡A la tercera va la vencida! |
Better luck tomorrow | Mejor suerte mañana |
Better luck next time | Más suerte la próxima vez |
I will cross my fingers for you | ¡Cruzaré los dedos por ti! |

Wishing somebody good luck is a fun and lighthearted way to let them know that you are thinking of them and that you care about their success. When someone is feeling particularly vulnerable or doubtful, such as before a big performance, job interview, or other important event, this can mean the world to them (and make all the difference). Whenever I am traveling abroad, I find that this ends up being one of the most common phrases that I use while walking the streets. It is useful for both friends and strangers alike – you can tell someone that you wish them good luck on a test, finding the address they are looking for, or asking someone to marry them. Or even more generally, you can just wish them good luck on all of their future endeavors.
Spanish expressions of Good Luck
One of my favorite ways to wish somebody good luck in Spanish is a little tongue and cheek. “Mucha mierda” literally translates to “lots of crap”, and is the rough equivalent of the English phrase that you might say to a stage actor before their performance in a play, “break a leg.” Of course it is not meant literally in either language, but it is a fun way to tell someone that you hope they do well. In Puerto Rico, one might tell you “¡dale duro!”, or “hit it hard!” In this case, they are really encouraging you to have good fortune in whatever you are undertaking.
Spanish words of encouragement
If you are going to be studying abroad in a Spanish-speaking country, it is worth knowing several of the ways that you can wish somebody good luck in Spanish. A little encouragement goes a long way, and you could make somebody’s day!
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