Swearing in Spanish
One of the first things that most people (especially kids) ask when learning Spanish is – how do I say the bad words? The fact of the matter is that every language has it fair share of curse words.
Like it or not, profanity is an important part of a language. It allows people to blow off steam, emphasize emotions such as anger and frustration (but also elation and excitement), and joke around with friends.
Please be advised that this list contains profanity and is NSFW – not safe for work! Some of the swear words contained herein are particular vulgar and may offend sensitive readers. Proceed at your own risk!
Best Spanish curse words
It’s probably a good idea to understand these words, particularly so you know if someone is insulting you to your face in a way that is only apparent to a native Spanish speaker (some of these Spanish insults are subtle, other not so much.) That said, we recommend using them sparingly with people you do not know well. Some of them are extremely insulting and offensive, and might get you into some trouble that you may be unable to back out of. That said, if you’re just joking around with friends, peppering your language with some Spanish curse words can be kind of fun. Just be careful who might be listening in!
150 Spanish curses
a tomar por culo | to h*ll with it |
anda a cagar | go take a poop (get lost) |
apestar | s*ck |
b*st*rdo | b*st*rd |
basura | garbage |
besame el culo | kiss my *ss |
bete a la verga | go to h*ll |
bicho | c*ck |
cabron | f*cking b*st*rd |
cagar | to def*cate |
cagaste y saltaste en la caca | you sh*t and jumped in it |
calientapollas | c*ckteaser |
capullo | *sshole, jerk |
caquita de la vaquita | cow sh*t |
cara de mi huevo izquierdo- | left b*ll face |
cara de monda | pen*s face |
cara de panocha | cr*tch face |
cara de pito | pen*s face |
carajo | f*ck, d*mn it |
chancla | d*ke |
chapero | gay b*tch |
chichi | v*gina |
chichis | br*asts |
chilito | little pen*s |
chinga tu hermana | f*ck your sister |
chinga tu madre | f*ck your mother |
chingate | f*ck yourself |
chorra, pinnus | stupid |
chupame la polla | s*ck my pen*s |
chupamedias | bootlicker |
chupamela | s*ck it |
coger | to f*ck |
cojeme | f*ck me |
cojete mi suegra | f*ck my mother in law |
cojonazos | big b*lls |
cojones | t*sticles |
come mierda | eat sh*t |
come mierda y muere | eat sh*t and die |
concha | b*tch |
coño | d*mn |
costar un huevo | expensive as h*ll |
culiao | someone who just had an*l s*x |
culo | *ss |
culo peludo | hairy *sshole |
deje de ser tan pendejo | stop being such a d*rk |
desgraciado | unlucky son of a b*tch |
el orto/ojete (argentina) | *ss |
estúpido | d*bag |
follar | to f*ck |
forro | *sshole |
gilipollas | b*st*rd, sh*thead |
gonorrea | a really mean person |
guarra | dirty girl |
güey | dumb person |
hijo de mil putas | son of thousand b*tches |
hijo de perra | son of a b*tch |
hijo de puta | son of a b*tch or mother f*cker |
hijueputa | *sshole |
hora | nasty pen*s |
hostia | bloody h*ll |
hostia puta | holy f*ck |
hueles a mierda | you smell like sh*t |
huevón | lazy |
idiota | dumb*ss |
imbécil | d*ckhead |
jode a tu madre | f*ck your mom |
joder | f*ck |
la he jodido | i f*cked it up |
la madre que te pario | curse the mother that birthed you |
lame botas | *ss kisser |
las tetas | b*obs |
le quedo una chimba | it looks f*cking awesome |
loco | crazy |
maldición | d*mnit |
maldito | darn |
mama guevo | c*cksucker |
mamón | pr*ck |
maraca | sl*t |
marica | sissy |
maricón | p*ssy |
me cago en dios | i sh*t on god |
me cago en la hostia | f*cking h*ll |
me cago en la leche | i sh*t in the milk |
me cago en ti | i sh*t over you |
me cago en todo lo que se menea | i sh*t on everything that moves |
me encanta tu culo | i love your *ss |
metete un palo por el culo | shove a stick up your *ss |
métetelo por el culo | stick it up your *ss |
mierda | bullsh*t |
mira qué cabrón | don’t be a smart*ss |
mondá | pen*s |
mongolo | retard*d |
no joda | shut the f*ck up and leave me alone |
no mames | stop f*cking around |
no me jodas | don’t f*ck with me |
no seas gilipollas | don’t be a d*ck |
pajero | jerk |
payaso | clown |
pelos de los huevos | pub*c hair |
pelotas | t*sticles |
pelotudo | you have big b*lls |
pendejo | *sshole |
percanta | deadbeat |
perro | dog |
pete | f*llatio |
pichacorta | little pen*s |
pinche | f*cking |
pinche idiota | f*cking idiot |
pinche puta | f*cking b*tch |
pinga | pen*s |
piruja | h**ker |
polla | pen*s |
pollas en vinagre | d*cks in vinegar |
por huevos | f*ck all |
puñeta | f*ck |
puta | wh*re |
puta barrata | cheap wh*re |
puta madre | motherf*cker |
puto | d*bag |
qué cabrón | what a b*st*rd |
qué chingados es eso? | what the f*ck is that? |
que te den | up y*urs |
que te den por culo | go f*ck yourself |
que te folle un pez | i hope you get f*cked by a fish |
que te jodan | f*ck you |
tarado | a d*bag |
te voy a romper la cara a trompadas | i’m gonna break your face with my punches |
tengo ganas | i am h*rny |
tienes ganas? | are you h*rny? |
tirate a un poso | throw yourself in a hole |
tonta | bollocks |
tonto del culo | such an *ss |
tontopollas | d*ckhead, *sshole |
triple-hijueputa | three times motherf*cker. |
tu eres más feo que el culo de un mono | you are uglier than the b*tt of a monkey |
no tienes la ingle | you have no gr*in |
tu madre es muy gato y feo | your mother is fat and ugly |
tu madre es una estupida | your mom is stupid |
tu madre es una puta | your mom is a wh*re |
tu madre es una puta fea | your mother is an ugly b*tch |
un putero | a f*cking lot of __ |
que care-chimba | you are a pen*s face. |
valió madre | this is f*cked. |
verga | pen*s |
verga dura | a hard pen*s |
verga muy grande | a very big pen*s |
vete a la verga | get lost f*ck off |
vete al demonio | go to h*ll |
vete al infierno | go to h*ll |
yo cago en la leche de tu puta madre | i sh*t in your wh*re mother’s milk |
yo mataria tu | i am going to kill you |
zorra | b*tch |
zunga | pr*stitute |

How to curse in Spanish
A little bit of swearing is totally fine in our opinion. But, remember that everyone reacts to foul language differently. Some laugh, some may be extremely offended or hurt. It’s best to use these Spanish curse words sparingly or you may develop a reputation for having the vocabulary of a sailor.
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